Polygonal North oy has started its journey as a start-up in Finland which is offering tailor-made solutions in educational technologies, having profound techno-digital skills and fundraising strategies for the new SME”s in the world of business.
We are dedicated providing customer-oriented project solutions in the context of education particularly VET, educational software’s, Cross Platform Build (IOS & Android) development, AE, Learning Management System (LMS) integration and optimization.
In the context of Educational Solutions, we are structuring and planning to deliver in-service training across Finland and providing job-shadowing activities and digital solutions through further upgrading educational environments and bringing innovation for educational environments.
Polygonal North oy has established recently however organization’s human resources have been working with EU funding’s since 2014.We have solid experience in drafting, SWAT analyses, developing and finalization of EU subsidies. Staff of the Polygonal North has managed Erasmus, Policy Experimentation, Centralized actions and regional findings’ now 3 full time staff working and 2 part-time(performance-based) staff working for Polygonal North oy.
Organisation has the capacity of developing open-source relational database management systems, MySQL(pls see profile’s), creating eLearning content such as learndash and moodle-based learning platforms, branched scenarios, and randomized quizzes in Small Web Formats and HTML5 formats by using php,css or data processing bottlenecks based on log files and session monitoring and pinpointed unproductive parts of logics in reporting area data processing for coders and suggested alternative approach to problems.